
  Youjie pharmatech. , ltd
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YouJie Pharmatech is committed to the custom synthesis of complex organic chemicals and technological services of chemical drugs. Our customers are mostly drug development company and drug manufacturers. We offer high quality custom synthesis services from gram to ton scales. We are also specialized in the scale-up of chemical intermediates and APIs, especially for chiral compounds and heterocyclic compounds.
We have assembled a team of top-notch researchers in this field. About half of them have advanced degrees, and most have more than five years experience in organic synthesis.
In our facility with more than 12000 sq. feet of well-designed laboratory space, we have full access to all necessary analytical instruments, including Bruker NMR, API2000 LC/MS, Agilient LCMS 1100, Agilient HPLCs, Shimarzu GC, etc. We provide high quality service at very competitive price.

Shanghai Danfan Network Science&Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.